Quality. Integrity. Excellence.

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well I’ve been in the courtrooms now for

about 50 years in some capacity either

as a lawyer or a federal judge and when

I was on the federal bench bill I talked

to every jury after the trial for an

hour or two hours about what they

thought was important what they thought

a lawyer should do in the courtroom what

they thought the judge should do in the

courtroom and the number one answer to

that is candor

I mean if your case has got a problem

don’t try to cover it up deal with it if

you’re candid with a jury and honest

with a jury and they know you’re sincere

then they’re going to do the right thing

for you


the length of time that I’ve been in the


uh the fact that we’re involved in the


we know what the community needs are but

I think that just the everyday

experience of dealing with clients being

in the courtroom trying cases my

experience on the federal bench gives me

a perspective that most lawyers don’t

have when they’re in the courtroom so

the 50-year career

and all the different aspects of my

career in the legal profession I think

is what

prepares me to be in a courtroom and

doing a very effective job

Michael Burrage


  • University of Oklahoma College of Law, Norman, Oklahoma
    • J.D.
  • University of Norman
    • B.A.

Bar Admissions

  • U.S. District Court Northern District of Oklahoma, 2004
  • U.S. District Court Western District of Oklahoma, 2004
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 10th Circuit, 2004